Pretty awesome week this week :) lots of cool stories went
on, but we also had a couple of challenges but that is just part of the
experience :) haha can't have your cake and eat it too, I think that's how my Mom
said the saying... ;) It really has mind boggled me how fast time is going, I
can't believe that Payton will be graduating soon and that Syd is going to be a
senior, ahhh what happened with my little bro and sister, but oh well, I know
that you guys are making good decisions, and that's awesome that Payton will be
graduating this year from all the hard work he has put in! whoo, and that's cool
that Syd could go to California for her competitions sounds like she did
awesome and gave it her all :)
So we had success this week and it was cool, but I'll start
from what I remember haha I start typing and I forget everything that has
happened in the week... ooops haha
So we taught Rosa about the Book of Mormon to help her
understand a little bit better what it is, because she's still not capturing the
idea of it, but we explained nice and slow that it is not a Bible but its
sacred scripture that God prepared in the Americas, and all the stuff but she understood
and is going to try to read it more, haha she had one of her friends with her
when we went to visit her and she invited her friend to listen, and oh my
heavens Rosa is a dry member, Rosa shared her non-member testimony that the
church is the only true church and then Rosa invited her friend to get
baptized!!! Rosa the investigator invited someone to get baptized haha I about
rolled on the ground, haha ahh I'm not saying it was funny like she didn't do
good I just thought it was funny that Rosa isn't baptized but is inviting
someone to do it haha, but it was cool. we are still working with Rosa on that
haha I always give her a good little push in the lessons we share with her to
get baptized and we did exchanges and I left and my comp went to teach Rosa,
and she told him haha ... That Elder Tanner really wants me to get baptized...
Haha and my comp was like me too!! and our Heavenly Father too more than any
one!! haha she knows what she has to do :) and I know she will do it :)
We also taught her about the tithing and that it is a
commandment and this Sunday she went to the church and payed her tithing and she doesn't
even work!! ahh its so crazy she is really amazing but would be even more
amazing if she would get baptized!! but she is a funny little lady, speaking of
little ladies, we found some little women haha I didn't realize it when I
contacted them because they were sitting down, we had a lesson and finished and
they stood up to shake our hands, and I felt like I was with my Aunt Maurine
haha the little lady and her daughter were up to like my waist, they are just
little things, but they are super cool :)
We are also teaching Jesus and Andrea that are married to
other people and have to divorce and get married, because they are living
together and MIRACLE MIRACLE MIRACLE, we had a really cool experience with them
:) ahh so cool and I hope I can explain it all I don't have a lot of time to
write still but I'll go for it :) so Jesus and Andrea like I told you guys
are married with other people, and are living together so, they have to divorce
with them, and after Jesus and Andrea have to get married, we are working with
Jesus and he really wants to get baptized and is progressing really well they
say that they are reading the Book of Mormon as a family and its awesome we
leave them with chapters to read and questions to answer and they always answer
the questions and its awesome but the only challenge to baptize him is that he
is living with Andrea and they aren't married, so we are finishing up the
lessons and we have the permission and help of the husband of Andrea to do the
divorce but the wife of Jesus isn't to happy about and has told him that she
wont sign the papers, so that has been a real problem, because he can't progress
with out the help of his ex wife in the divorce, me and my companion were
thinking of what we could do to help Jesus Get baptized and still be with
Andrea while we work on the divorce and marriage and we feel as though it was
truly revelation, the lesson that we had with them would be a true trial of
faith and patience on their part, we taught them that Jesus is ready to get
baptized the only thing he lacks is the law of chastity, so we told them that
we want to baptize him in two weeks, but it will require their faith and
action, we then invited them to live the law of chastity to separate for the
time being and stop living together, we read them that the scripture of Nephi
in Nephi 3:7 and told them that when God gives us a commandment he will always
give us the way to complete it and we know that its a commandment to be baptized
and Jesus knows that too, and we promised them that God will make the way but
they have to show their faith and put it in practice, we invited them to
separate so that God will help us with the divorce proceedings and the baptism
of Jesus, we left them with that invitation and promise, and said we would
return the next day to see what they decided :) and we knew that we had to do
our part also, so we went with the wife of Jesus to help her understand the
reason for why we are trying to do the divorce and haha it was a little awkward
but it was so special because in a matter of 10 or 15 minutes we saw the
blessing and the miracle from the faith Of Jesus and Andrea, because the wife
told us that she is willing to help and sign the papers in the divorce, and she
has been asking God for away to start her family over and leave the past
behind!! AHHHHHHH I WAS LEAPING FOR JOY!! AHHH I couldn't believe it, we
said a prayer right after the lesson and gave thanks for the change of heart
that God had worked in the wife of Jesus, the next day we went and shared the
experience with Jesus and Andrea, but before we did it we shared the scripture
Mosiah 24:16 and explained that God really does comfort us and give us miracles
in our trial of faith :), they then told us that Jesus wants to get baptized and
is willing to separate from Andrea and put in practice his faith so he can be
baptized!!! They will be separated but, God has truly done a miracle and they
will be able to divorce faster because everyone is in agreement and so we hope
to continue seeing blessings and miracles from our Heavenly Father!! please
pray for them to put in practice their faith, and do what is necessary so Jesus
in 2 weeks can get baptized!! We can see the hand of the Lord in these things
and we are very excited :) Thanks for everything guys, I love you all so
Love Elder Tanner
My companion Elder
Sanchez from Puebla

Love Elder Tanner
We went to play soccer in Etchojoa, with the Elders there
and some members, haha, it was cool then some members came by and started
making Pizzas for us to eat breakfast it was cool :)
The children's Catholic parade haha Semana Santa (Spring
Break) here is pretty big haha I'll explain more later but everyone puts on
costumes kind of different.
This smiley face made my day :) we bought pizza one day and
the people who wrote on this box knew I needed a smiley face, and a pizza