Monday, March 14, 2016


Hello everyone!
Wow so cool to see that my good friend and cousin Elder Pulsipher has returned home! I loved seeing the pictures looks like he is doing pretty good :) be sure to tell him I say Hi :) 

That's awesome that you guys will be going to California, sounds like that will be a lot of fun to cheer Syd on! I bet she will do awesome :) 

This was a pretty awesome week, really interesting but awesome :) we had our Zone Conference this week in Navojoa, and we had a zone meeting and everything, and half way through the zone meeting Pres. Munive and Sis. Munive showed up!! so that was really cool to see them :) They gave us some really cool messages, I really like a message that gave Pres. Munive, he talked to us about the Priesthood and how we can magnify the Priesthood, in missionary work, in our wards, in the family, and it was really cool, we have to make sure that when we are called to a assignment in the church we have to do every thing to fulfill it and magnify it, because its through the priesthood that we will receive the blessings, he also talked about how the women can magnify the priesthood, it was a really cool message, I was able to get my packages, thank you so much Mom and Family for the package and also I got a package from Jordan and Krystle thank you guys so much ha-ha I loved the drawing from Nolan :) ha-ha, so that was really cool to get the packages thank you guys so much. 

We went with Jesus y Eva Wedensday, and we werent able to have the lesson with Jesus because he was working, but we talked with Eva and it was a really cool lesson, we talked about baptism, and also the gift of the holy ghost, and it was really cool because she could comprehend really well the importance of the baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost and that the baptism isn't complete with out the confimation of the holy ghost, she also asked us about what the Sacrament is and so it was really cool to talk about that with her and see her desire to follow the example of Jesus Christ :) 

We also went with Jesus and Andrea the family that is married with other people and have to divorce and get married with each other, and they are super excited Jesus is so excited for his baptism, and wants to do it he just has to divorce his wife and get married with Andrea but its kind of a challenge because his ex-wife doesn't want to sign the paper so we are going to try and go with her :) to explain to her why we need her to sign the papers to divorce, but they are super pumped for the baptism of Jesus, we also did exchanges this week haha I went with Elder Horlacher, to Huatabampo, so it was cool, we were able to get alot of work done and, we met a couple that is really interested in the Book of Mormon and what we do as missionaries and we were able to testify of the divinity of the Book of Mormon and see their desire to read it, I wont be teaching them, but I'm sure that they will be progressing really well :) but they were saying that they will go to church when they know that the book of Mormon is true, and that really called my attention, because sometimes were like that we say that we will do something AFTER God gives us something or a reason to do good, and it cannot be like that we cannot look for ways to council God or convince him to give us something when we haven't done our part to get something, the scriptrue D and C :20-21 we have to do our part to recieve the blessing from our Heavenly Father, and that is where the Faith comes in we have to be faithful to our Heavenly Father and do all that we can to keep his commandments, let us not seek to council the Lord but let us follow his councils and trust in him with faith knowing that he knows all  :) 

We are going to work with Jesus and Eva this week to be able to help them get married and get prepared to get baptized :) sorry for the short letter I love you guys so much and thanks for everything :)
Love Elder Tanner 

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